Deficit Discourse and Strengths-based Approaches: Changing the Narrative of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health and Wellbeing

by The Lowitja Institute, National Centre for Indigenous Studies and Australian National University | 2018 | Research Publication
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This report explores strengths-based approaches to thinking about, discussing and responding to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and wellbeing.

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Authors: William Fogarty, Melissa Lovell, Juleigh Langenberg and Mary-Jane Heron

The report outlines how deficit discourses can create barriers to improving health outcomes for First Nations People. In this context, strengths-based approaches are argued to overcome the limits and harms of deficit-based models and provide alternative ways to understand and respond to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health issues. 

The report also draws on a number of strengths-based Indigenous health program case studies which provide examples of how strengths-based approaches can change the narrative of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and wellbeing.