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Racism It Stops With Me campaign logo
09 May 2020

Where’s all the data on COVID-19 racism?

There have been too many news reports of COVID-19 prompting racial abuse: A Chinese woman was spat on in a Sydney street, two students bashed in the Melbourne CBD, a family’s home vandalised – to list just a few. But the story that struck me most was Jennifer Li’s.
Photo of protest against Covid-19 racism
08 April 2020

Racism undermines COVID-19 Response

As the virus first arrived in Australia, people of Chinese and other Asian backgrounds suffered discrimination, often from those fearful of contracting it.

Photo a First Nations child
08 April 2020

Failure to close the gap in healthcare puts Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people at increased risk

It’s important at this time that we listen to the health experts, such as the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO), follow their advice, and avoid visiting remote communities and putting them at risk. I have been appalled at reports from organisations such as the Australian Indigenous Doctors' Association (AIDA) of racism within the healthcare system. Racism is never OK, but at a time like this is it particularly damaging.